APPS are CLOSED. Stay tuned for the 2024 Program announcement

APPS are CLOSED. Stay tuned for the 2024 Program announcement

Kreative Growth program 2023

Balay Kreative wants to accelerate the growth of Filipinx artistic expression in SOMA Pilipinas —
because Filipinx creatives have always been here, and it’s time to show their stories to the world. 


Previous recipients of the Balay Kreative Growth program have made waves in the arts scene.

Here are in depth video interviews of our 2022 winners.

Art is an expression of our experiences, and can therefore manifest through many art forms. Aware of the dynamic range of our people, Balay Kreative has developed an unprecedented program that will uplift and foster their diverse creative voices, with the goal of sparking a renaissance of Filipinx creativity and hustle in SOMA Pilipinas.

We are pleased to announce that we will be awarding six (6) artist stipends ranging from $3,000 to $6,000 to Filipinx artists in the Bay Area, in order to launch new works of art and culture in the Filipino Cultural District in San Francisco this year. There will also be free resources for artists as well such as:

- Free tuition in a Kreative Growth Masterclass series

- 1:1 mentoring program with industry professionals in their field of expertise

- Free studio space or co-working access for 3 months.


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Program Components

Balay Kreative has a deep-seated mission to make arts and culture a sustainable economic driver for SOMA Pilipinas. With this in mind, the Kreative Growth Program features (5) major components to better prepare our artists to launch their projects and careers overall.



Winners will receive between $3,000 - $6,000 in funds to financially support their creative endeavors over the course of the program, as each awardee brings an original project to life. With the Kreative Growth program, awardees are empowered to foster their creativity as well as contribute to the budding SOMA Pilipino Cultural District.


Winners will be able to connect with industry professionals through Balay Kreative's network. They'll get personalized guidance and social support to further their craft. The guidance can be for developing technical skill sets, exploring business possibilities, or just navigating the next stage of their creative journey.

Masterclass Series

The mission of Balay Kreative is to make arts and culture a sustainable economic driver for SOMA Pilipinas. Our artist-focused workshops are led by industry professionals to better prepare our artists for their projects and careers. Money and mindset, leadership and building a team, and monetization are just some of the topics covered. 


ARTIST Studio Space

Winners of our program will also receive 3 months of FREE artist studio space either in Balay Kreative Studios, Trellis or the CAST building both located in SOMA Pilipinas in San Francisco. Awardees will be surrounded by a community of other like-minded artists pushing the envelope of artistic expression for the Filipinx diaspora. 


Recipients have access to different programming spaces for free in SOMA Pilipinas to present their final artwork. Final showcases must be available for FREE or sliding scale donations to the public. The spaces available are 447 Minna and Kapwa Gardens. Recipients are not restricted to only these spaces, but the ones available are for free.

Program Tracks

The Balay Kreative Growth Program are split into 5 categories of work. Recipients will create new works of art and culture that will be presented in SOMA Pilipinas by the end of 2023. There will be a total of 6 recipients, 1-2 chosen for each track. 

If you have any questions about our Program Tracks, please contact: 


1) Visual Arts

Visual arts practices include painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography, multimedia production, immersive experiences, fashion, and textiles. "Visual art" must be something physical and tangible (so Film/Video would instead be in our "Film" track). 

We'll give recipients a chance to show their works in one of our sponsored spaces in October, November or December by the end of 2023.

2) Music

The musical arts can be expressed through albums, EPs, or soundscapes. Whether it's a rap song or an instrumental piece, the main emphasis for this track is that the work is in the form of song or musical composition.

Recipients will be given the opportunity to present their music in one of our sponsored spaces in October, November or December by the end of 2023 at no cost.


3) Performing Arts

Performing arts practices include dance/choreography, theater, screenplays, puppetry, circus acts, and poetry/spoken word. "Performing arts" are practices that use voice, facial expressions, and/or body language to communicate an idea/story to an audience.

Recipients will be given the opportunity to present their music through one of our sponsored spaces in October, November or December by the end of 2023 at no cost.


Workshops that teach Philippine art forms or cultural practices for students aged 18 and under.  These workshops should use advanced tools like sewing machines, laser cutter, looms, projection mapping, etc. Recipients will be given the opportunity to present their workshop at Children’s Creativity Museum in October, November or December 2023 at no cost.


Film/Media/Animation entails digital media practices such as, short and long form films/videos, multimedia production, animated shorts, or an animated series. 

Recipients will be given the opportunity to present their films through one of our sponsored spaces in October, November or December by the end of 2023 at no cost.


Key Dates & Timeline

  • 3/06/23: Applications are OPEN!

    3/18/23: In-person Workshop @ Balay Open Studios. RSVP here (2 - 3pm).

    3/20/23 & 4/03/23 : Online application workshop. Watch the recording here.

    4/10/23: Last day to submit questions about the application.

    Week of 4/10/23-4/14/23: Book a One on One Meeting to discuss your application. Meet with Nicole. Meet with Desi.

    4/14/23: Answers to all questions posted on our website FAQ.

    4/17/23: Applications due @ 11:59pm.

    4/26/23: Cultural Practices track deadline extended. Applications due @ 11:00pm.

  • 6/01: All applicants will be notified about their application’s outcome by email. Winners will be publicly announced.

    TBD: Recipients will receive more information about onboarding and next steps.

    6/08: Masterclass Series Begins.

    6/08: First artist stipend disbursements made.

  • Recurring - Recipients work on projects at their workplace of choice or the provided studio space.

    Recurring - Recipients check-in with Balay Kreative staff and submit monthly report updates.

    Recurring - Recipients continue attending the Masterclass Series and receive coaching.

    August - Second artist stipend disbursement made once recipients have completed the Masterclass Series.

  • TBD - Final Projects are due.

    TBD - Final Reports are due.

    TBD - Final check-in with Balay Kreative Staff.

    TBD - Final artist stipend Disbursement once recipients have completed 50% of their coaching sessions, completed their final project and turned in their final report.

The Application Process

To apply for the 2023 Kreative Growth Program, carefully read the following.

The application will open on Monday, 3/6/23 and close on Monday, 4/17/23.*

*We are extending our Kreative Growth Program deadline for our "CULTURAL PRACTICES FOR TWEENS & TEENS" Track to Wednesday, April 26th at 11pm PST

  1. Prepare to Apply: 

    • Review details about the program, including its components, tracks, and timeline, as well as this application process, and FAQ.

    • Decide your Program Track. In your application, you must declare one from the following: Visual Arts, Music, Performing Arts, OR Film/Media/Animation.

    • Prepare the required details and materials for the application. (See “Eligibility and Requirements.”).

    • Pitch an original project which showcases your artistic talent and channels the Kreative Growth Program’s mission. (See “Eligibility and Requirements.”).

  2. Utilize the resources provided by Balay Kreative to support you:

    • Attend the one or more of the free application workshops.

      • ONLINE: Zoom application workshop. Watch the recording here.

      • IN-PERSON: Workshop @ Balay Open Studios on Saturday, March 18th at 2pm PST. RSVP here.

    • Book a 1:1 appointment with the Balay Kreative Program Manager or Executive Director to ask questions or discuss your application the week of 4/10 - 4/14. Meet with Nicole. Meet with Desi.

    • Submit questions about the application at the bottom of this page by 4/10 to be answered by 4/14.

  3. Craft a compelling application:

    • Follow the “Apply” button on this page to be taken to the online application.

    • Input ALL required information and documents.

    • Check out samples to help you craft your application.

  4. Submit your application before the deadline of 4/17/23 by 11:59PM PST.

    • Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.


Eligibility & Requirements

  • Must identify as Filipino, be of Filipina/o/x descent or have a strong connection to the Filipino community/culture.

  • Applicant must reside in the Bay Area.

  • Applicant must be at least 21+.

  • Projects must be presented in SOMA Pilipinas, San Francisco, CA at one of our venues or a venue of your choosing in the SOMA district. If recipients choose a venue not hosted by Kultivate Labs or one of our SOMA partners, they must pay for venue costs.

  • Proposed projects must not incite violence or promote hate language.

  • Projects must begin by July 2023 and be completed by December 2023.

    • 1st Distribution: Must review and sign artist agreement.

    • 2nd Distribution: Required to finish 80% of the Masterclass Series.

    • 3rd Distribution: Finish 50% of coaching calls, complete the final presentation/project by December 2023 & submit the final report.

Please prepare the following information and documents FOR YOUR application.

    • Name, contact info, age, address

    • Annual income range (does not impact decisions; collected for tracking purposes only)

    • Program Track of choice

    • If selected, will you need to use the free art studio space? Y/N

    • Current occupation(s)

    • Previously received grants, if any.

    • Documents: CV/resume, portfolio.

      Please make sure your file name follows the naming convention: "KG23_lastname_firstname_resume"

      For example, KG23_smith_john_resume.pdf

    You will have two options to submit your portfolio.

    • Option A: Upload File..

      You may upload a (1) individual file or (1) zipped file of multiple contents, which may include photos, videos, slide decks, PDFs, etc. All file types accepted. Size Limit: 10MB

      Please make sure your file name follows the naming convention: "KG22_lastname_firstname_portfolio"

      For example, KG22_smith_john_portfolio.pdf

    • Option B: Link URL.

      You may link (1) URL to a personal website/online portfolio, Google Drive folder, Youtube video, Social Media account, etc.

    • Project name

    • Project description

    • Project partners, if any (See FAQ for more details.)

    • Work Sample to help the team better understand your proposed project.*

    *You are free to submit any visual and/or musical aid to convey your project idea. You may submit this as a link or file, similar to your portfolio.

    Please make sure your file name follows the naming convention: "KG23_lastname_firstname_sample"

    For example, KG23_smith_john_sample.pdf

  • You will be asked about the impact, timeline, budget, and financial sustainability aspects of your project. Please prepare your answers in advance to copy/paste into the application.

    Limit: X - Y sentences.

    • Please describe why you feel this project has artistic and/or social merit to push our community forward?

    • Please briefly outline your full timeline and proposed completion date for this project.

    • Please outline your total project budget with a breakdown of its anticipated costs and source(s), specifying how much you are requesting from Balay Kreative and other sources, if any.

    • Please describe how your proposed project addresses or engages financial sustainability for you, the artist. How does your project incorporate monetization strategies or your financial return?

Frequently Asked Questions

For your convenience, our team has prepared a document to address questions you may have about the Kreative Growth Program, application, and selection.


Still have questions or clarifications? 

We welcome you to submit them here using this form. Our team will be monitoring question submissions and get back to you as soon as we can. Please feel free to also check back here on 4/14/23, as responses to submitted questions will be posted on this page and our FAQ.

We also invite you to attend one of our application workshops or 1:1 appointments with staff to have your questions answered. (See “The Application Process” for how to RSVP and attend)

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